The Power Of Forgiveness

Jan 5, 2025    Pastor Shawn White

This past Sunday we looked at living in the Power of Forgiveness. This journey of faith requires us to embrace what Christ has done for us. There are many distractions that can keep us from running with God's purposes and plans for our lives. Unforgiveness is one of those distraction and it is certainly not something that should join you in this new year 2025. 

In this message we looked at four different categories that people fall into who are not walking in the power of God's forgiveness and how it can affect our lives in different ways. We also looked at the New Covenant of Jesus Christ and how important it is for us to understand how this covenant was designed to function. 

I hope you will take some time to listen to the message. I also want to encourage you to keep praying for our nation as we are currently in such an important time in history with all that is taking place.